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Outbound leadership training By AEL

Building materials manufacturer

Outbound Leadership Training By AEL


Introduction: Celebrating Three Decades of Innovation

Aparna Enterprises Limited ( AEL) is not just a leading building materials manufacturer in India, it’s a beacon of progress that stood the test of time for 30 years. Being a benchmark for the highest standards of construction and building materials industry, Aparna Enterprises Limited has maintained its excellence due to its trust in its workforce and respective leaders through outbound leadership training by AEL.

Outbound Leadership Training: Catalyzing Team Performance and Leadership

Outbound leadership training by AEL is a centrepiece of our educational initiatives catered to the organisation’s development and enhance the existing capabilities of our leaders. Pushing the boundaries of leadership, we recently held an outbound training program in Hyderabad, wherein the program facilitated better understanding and overall growth. This program was instrumental in enhancing effective leadership qualities

Exploring the Core Aspects of Outbound Training
Outbound Training Techniques and Learning 

Learning in outbound training goes beyond traditional learning environments by inculcating dynamic and interactive techniques. This includes a mix of physical and tactile learning. These types of learning help our employees to practically understand the concept, the reason behind the training and skill application. 

Advantages of Outbound Training

The approach towards our Outbound Training is hands-on wherein the learned concepts are impactful and directly translatable to everyday tasks and challenges, This training program offers a comprehensive insight into effective leadership qualities that are mandated for the present fast-evolving market.

Training Impact on Team Performance

The impact of our outbound training is immediate and evident in the forthcoming performances of various departments and teams. This fosters better communication, better efficiency and overall builds a better supportive network among peers, leading to a more cohesive unit.

Tailored to cultivate essential leadership skills, learning in outbound training plants required qualities of decisiveness, empathy, strategic thinking, and the ability to inspire and motivate others.

Participant Feedback Highlights the Outbound Training Benefits

The Leadership Training programme was well received by the team. With some very interesting and amazing feedback from the participants, the event was a great success. The exceptional feedback from participants strongly highlights the effectiveness of our training. 

One of the participants in the programme talking on Networking and Refreshment said, “The opportunity to meet colleagues from different departments was invaluable. It’s refreshing and brings hidden talents to the forefront.”

One other participant said “A unique and engaging event that was a remarkable success, thanks to our Training Team!” highlighting the event’s success. 

Participants felt the Ease of Communication among peers since there was an understanding of the work of one another. A participant said, “Meeting new people has made future communications smoother—this training was pivotal for networking.” One participant highlighted the importance of Personal bonding saying “The personal bonding experienced during the training was exceptional.”

Overall feedback on the training given by the participants was that it aided in Skill Development and provided Practical Benefits quoting “The experience was enjoyable and highly encouraging.” and “The skills learned are not only applicable in our professional lives but beneficial in our personal development as well.” respectively.

Future Outlook: Sustaining Leadership Development

The future that Aparna Enterprises Limited envisions will be achieved by our employees by reaping the outbound training benefits and implementing them in their day-to-day operations. We, at Aparna Enterprises Limited aim to sustain excellence through the forthcoming years with plans to conduct four such events annually. Each session is designed to address specific organizational needs and offer support to the teams requiring insight into effective handling of situations. We want to support continuous leadership that blossoms into smoother functioning of operations. Additionally, we aim to develop and support those who are facing specific issues within the organization.

Wrapping up

Concluding, Aparna Enterprises Limited remains faithful to its commitment to excellence in construction and building material industry through constant improvement and innovative approaches to fostering a better community overall. Our outbound leadership training not only enriches an individual’s leadership skills but also from a holistic perspective impacts and contributes to our mission of being an esteemed leader in our industry.

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