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Ready Mix Concrete – the ideal solution to create quality homes

Ready Mix Concrete – the ideal solution to create quality homes

Home buying patterns have been evolving drastically in the last few years. Gone are the days wherein people used to look at homes as a mere dwelling space, today home is a reflection of one’s personality and stature. In fact, owing to the globalisation and exposure, customers are becoming very brand conscious when it comes to buying real-estate assets. One of the key factors that play a crucial role in building a brand in the real-estate space is the quality of construction. Customers expect players to maintain the same quality across all their projects. The key ingredient that ensures quality in construction is the concrete used to build the structure. Earlier in India the concrete mix used to be prepared by local contractors at the construction site. The mixing used to happen manually. As it is manual builders used to find it difficult to keep a control over the time and amount of components mixed in the cement mix. Further, in traditional mode there is a huge dependency on expertise of the contractor / mason for mixing various components. In fact, in case the expert was absent from work owing to any emergency the chances of inconsistency in the mix were also quite common. Apart from manual intervention the other big aspect for builders is that they would need to identify storage space to store cement, sand and gravel. This growing inconvenience coupled with the increased stress on uniformity in quality of construction is pushing real-estate players to move towards ready mix concrete than site mixing concrete.

What is Ready Mix Concrete?

Ready-mix concrete is concrete that is manufactured in a batching plant, according to a pre-set engineered mix design. Batching plants combine a precise amount of gravel, sand, water and cement together by weight, allowing specialty concrete mixtures to be developed and implemented on construction sites.

Merits of Ready Mix Concrete over the traditional on site mixing

This article is contributed by Mr. T Chandrasekhar, Director-Technical, Aparna Enterprises Ltd for Sawdust.

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